The Northeast Ohio Campaign for American Manufacturing (NEOCAM) calls on Congress to keep the pressure on the Chinese government to end currency manipulation. China announced on July 20th that it was revaluing the Yuan by 2 percent, and tying the Yuan’s value to a basket of currencies that will be evaluated daily, ending its longstanding peg against the U.S. dollar.
NEOCAM is a coalition of 900 Northeast Ohio manufacturing companies, industry and labor organizations that represents 90,000 Ohio workers and their families. NEOCAM has been calling for vigorous enforcement of fair trade laws and agreements. John Colm, Secretary of NEOCAM, states, “A mere 2 percent adjustment with a currency that is 40% undervalued means little. Every product made in China starts off with as much as a 40% cost advantage compared with U.S. made products – even before the product is shipped. This advantage has little to do with Chinese ingenuity, productivity or efficiency -- hallmarks of “free trade” -- and everything to do with government intervention in currency markets. This translates in the U.S. to lost sales and jobs, a weaker domestic manufacturing base, and a growing and unsustainable trade deficit.”
Colm said that NEOCAM’s concern now is that the turn of events in China becomes a distraction from other current global issues. “This is not a meaningful revaluation, and will only give apologists for the Chinese government ammunition in their campaign to persuade the public and Congress that China is ‘playing by the rules’. It will take the focus off the other key trade issue on the table, the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA).”
CAFTA is expected to come to the floor for a vote before the end of July. There is has been considerable pressure building about the need to put the so-called “free trade” agenda aside in order to develop a new approach to international commerce that results in reciprocal trade. The road we started down with NAFTA and now CAFTA is not working for American communities.”
NEOCAM is urging Congress to keep the pressure on China for meaningful revaluation and to vote against CAFTA. Both are crucial to preserving U.S. domestic manufacturing strength and maintaining our competitive advantage.
NE Ohio Campaign for American Manufacturing is a coalition representing over 900 NE Ohio manufacturing companies, the United Steelworkers of America, District 1 and 90,000 workers.
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