Thursday, October 05, 2006

WIRE-Net's School-to-Career Program Launches 06-07 Year!

WIRE-Net School-to-Career (STC) staff planned a fun-filled yet educational weekend get away trip for the STC students on Friday and Saturday, September 15th and 16th of 2006.  Students departed Cleveland Friday morning for an overnight retreat at Pleasant Hill Outdoor Center in Perrysville, Ohio and then traveled Saturday to attend an all-day town hall meeting at University of Akron sponsored by Voices & Choices.


Upon arriving at Pleasant Hill, students were able to acclimate quickly to the campground environment before participating in a well-structured program developed by the STC staff.  Students began with learning about accountability and the 10 standards they’re accountable for, and STC staff detailed 10 promises that students can expect from them.  Both STC students and staff committed to their standards and expectations by signing an Agreement.  The remainder of the structured activities involved students learning about the importance of self-awareness and how to assess their personality styles.  Interspersed with the structured events, the students played basketball and billiards, talked around the campfire while roasting marshmallows and making s'mores, and took a nature walk on the campgrounds.


The next morning, upon arriving at the University of Akron, the students were greeted and dispersed at tables among the hundreds of attendees of Voices & Choices.  While at their respective tables, they interacted very well with the attendees.  They were asked to talk about themselves, their futures and their opinions regarding perceived problems and possible solutions of public education. 


All and all, the weekend was a memorable one that students will talk about for months to come.  STC staff has already received some initial remarks from students and parents commenting on how much these events how impacted their lives in a positive way.  STC staff is in the process of sending a formal evaluation to all of the student participants.

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